The favourite decision making tool of investment professionals now goes online.
The investor roadshow has been a staple of the financial world for hundreds of years. And for hundreds of years, the format didn’t change much: investor roadshow presentations delivered in person and almost exclusively to professional investors and the financial community let entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to raise the funding required for new ventures.
Then the pandemic changed the world with a bang. In-person roadshows came to a crashing halt. Out of necessity investor roadshows had to go online. The result? Ordinary investors came out the winners.
For the first time, retail investors everywhere had the opportunity to hear company stories online direct from CEOs, just like professional investors and the financial community have been able to do for hundreds of years. The Pandemic was finally brought under control, and life slowly returned to normal. In-person investors roadshows delivered to financial professionals began to return. But ordinary investors who during the pandemic experienced the chance to hear company stories online direct from CEOs now expect that same level of information flow and transparency going forward. And companies are recognizing the powerful communication channels the pandemic opened up can let them reach out and speak directly to investors everywhere.
At the Online Investment Conference, we believe Online Investor Roadshows can provide investors with ‘Investment Ideas Worth Watching’. Our goal is to provide retail investors with investment ideas presented in the same way professional investors have watched them being presented for hundreds of years. Online investor roadshow presentations that let investors hear and interact with company stories presented live online by company CEOs. And if for some reason, you can’t make a live presentation when it happens (like most of us!) – no problem! Every one of our live presentations is turned into a high quality, fully interactive online investor roadshow that looks the same as the live original, plus its fully interactive, so you can watch any part of the presentation in whatever order you want.
Online Investor Roadshows on the Online Investment Conference … Investment Ideas Worth Watching!
Peter Norman
Producer, The Online Investment Conference